How do YOU Define Rest?

How do you define rest? Is it sleeping? Is it just taking a break from...

How do YOU Define Rest?

This is an excerpt from Mastering the Universe & Optimum Health – Volume I What...

Dimension # 2 – Universe

Universe There is 1 component to the Universe: 1. The Laws You can learn all...

Dimension # 2 – Universe
Dimension # 3 – Community

Community There are 4 components to the Community: 1. Environment 2. Career 3. $ &...

Dimension # 3 – Community
Dimension # 4 – Self

Self There are 5 components to the Self: 1. Virtue 2. Spirituality 3. Social Relationships...

Dimension # 4 – Self
Healthy Snacks for Traveling

Let’s face it, we don’t always make the best choices when it comes to snack...

Healthy Snacks for Traveling
Chocolate Pudding

Ingredients: ½ c sugar 3 T corn starch ¼ tsp salt 2 cups milk (raw)...

Chocolate Pudding