1. Are essential oils safe?
Yes, but these precautions are necessary to take.
2. What is the science behind essential oils?
There is a lot of small studies that show great promise for the use of essential oils in many different medical ways, but at this point the studies are not conclusive enough to make any bold statements, especially since there are no true regulations yet on essential oils.
3. How do I know this product is pure and you are putting in it what you say you are?
Well, you don’t, just like every other product out there you can buy, you must trust the seller. This is why I operate with full disclosure and give you all the information you can find on me and Muscle Magik so you can learn about my reputation and gain trust in me, naturally. You can also read all the testimonials (good and bad) and make your own opinion on the product.
Rest assured, I only buy and mix 100% pure essential oils with nothing else added, ever.
4. What else is added to these oils?
Nothing, ever.
5. What do I do if the oil burns or heats up too much?
You can dilute it with any type of vegetable or carrier oil – simply rub the carrier oil over the hot spot and it will cool down quickly.
6. What oils can I use to apply with Muscle Magik?
Any carrier oil will work, i.e. olive, coconut, grape seed, etc. oils.
7. Is it necessary to use a carrier oil with Muscle Magik?
Yes, it is highly recommended. There are a few things that can go wrong if you don’t.