As fun and simple as these sound, they truly are a recipe for wellness. So please do yourself a favor and go through this list, pick out your weaknesses, and then strengthen them, one at a time. No rush, seriously. Life is a journey, enjoy it and keep on improving yourself.
1. Eat breakfast.
2. Drink enough water.
3. Eat your veggies.
4. Eat your fruits.
5. Eat antioxidants.
6. Eat alkaline foods.
7. Don’t’ eat burnt foods. Cook veggies so they are crispy and meat so it is moist.
8. Eat organic foods, especially animal based.
9. Stretch, your mind that is. Be open and listen to others before expressing your already-made-up mind.
10. Exercise or move 30 minutes daily at 60-85% your max heart rate. Knowing how to calculate your target heart rate is a must for this.
11. Neurobics for your mind. Do things differently to keep your mind challenged and evolving. Do daily things with your off-hand. Park in different places.
12. Meditate/Ground yourself daily with focused breathing and movements. 5-10 minutes is a great start.
13. Serve others unconditionally on a daily basis. Trust me, it comes right back at you in amazing ways. Not that that should be motivation to do it though!
14. If you speak it, mean it and make it happen, especially the small things like being on time when you say you will. Everything that comes out of your mouth should be a promise.
15. Eat anti-inflammatory foods.
16. Eat regular meals throughout the day.
17. Drink filtered water.
18. Eat foods that are natural, not processed.
19. Learn how to stretch properly to decrease your tension and relieve stress.
20. If your health permits, do higher intensity workouts with circuit training occasionally to help boost your metabolism.
21. Mix up your cardio with interval training.
22. Quit smoking. It is linked to just about every human disease.
23. Use a neti pot with distilled water before and during allergy seasons.
24. Kick the drug habit and use natural essential oils. They easily replace aspirin, cold medicine, allergy medication, and more.
25. Boost your immunity with laughing. Surround yourself with people orwatch movies/events that make you laugh.
26. Sleep at least 7 hours every night, starting at 10-11pm.
27. Do a dynamic exercise routine daily to keep the body strong and flexible.
28. Wash your hands frequently. Use a natural hand sanitizer.
29. Do not judge others, accept them as a lesson to improve yourself in that area.
30. Be kind, or don’t be at all. Act as a ripple in a lake. We are all in the same lake.
31. Follow the 80/20 rules.
32. Follow the Rules of Eating list.
33. Don’t drink more than 4 ounces of liquid with your meal, 15 minutes before, or within 60 minutes after.
34. Eat dessert as its own meal, not after a meal, i.e., combine your foods properly.
35. Know approximately how many calories you eat per day. You may be surprised how much you are under or over-eating.
36. Set time aside at least twice per week for preparing your lunches and snacks for the week. This should also decrease any need for fast food.
37. Buy a juicer and make your own fruit and veggie juices. Also great for kids. No added sugar or calories, just fruit and or veggies.
38. Limit alcohol to weekends or at most 1-2 servings per day
39. Plan your meals ahead so chaos can’t stop you from eating well.
40. Take yourself out of your comfort zone, daily. Growth equals discomfort, why do you think they call it growing pains? You must push past the hesitations that are created from fear of the unknown. Ready, fire, then aim. Otherwise you could be waiting to fire for the rest of your life!
41. Know what a serving size is when you eat from pre-packaged foods, then teach your kids.
42. Use fresh, natural smoothies as meal replacements sometimes and take time to learn about cleansing your body.
43. Throw away any spices or oils that are over a year old in your cupboard. At best they are useless. At worst they are rancid and unhealthy.
44. Do not regret anything. Forgive, and accept life as it is. Any illusion of control we have over what happens is just that, an illusion. Trust life, it will take care of you. Life happens FOR you, not TO you. You can make the sourest of things taste sweet if you add enough sugar.
45. Don’t overeat just because you exercise.
46. Spread smiles to as many people as possible, starting NOW =)
47. If you don’t know your purpose or have an intense passion for something, find one!
48. Make sure to get at least one hug per day. Yes, animals definitely count.
49. Eat your protein, especially if you don’t like meat or you exercise a lot. Protein is what REBUILDS us.
50. Have cheat days or meals and enjoy them. Not only does guilt SUCK, it is also very unhealthy and HEAVY to carry around.