(in no particular order)
- Balance your Omega 3s & 6s. Learn more here and here.
- Eat a lot of antioxidants, especially if you’re exposed to a tremendous amount of toxins and bacteria, i.e. city folk, people working around pesticides or chemicals, hospital workers etc.. For high exposure people a super-supplement is often necessary; I use NingXia Red.
- Eat very little PUFAS and an abundance of natural, saturated fats. Learn why here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
- Match your nutrition with your activity levels, daily. Most importantly your carbohydrates should match your energy expenditure; therefore, if you sit all day you don’t need as much as you do when you’re active.
- Eat real food as it was intended to be, grow, feed & roam, etc.
- Avoid processed soy (see here, here & here), and while you’re at it, avoid everything else processed.
- Focus on these three oils; olive, macadamia & coconut oil
- Avoid those items on the No-No list
- Don’t feel guilty about eating the wrong foods. Nobody is perfect and that includes you. Stick to the plan as best as you can – measure yourself by how you bounce back from imperfections and how far you have come.