Kitchen, Cooking and Eating Tips



~ Many of these are adopted from the Weston A. Price Foundation ~

  1. Eat whole, natural foods.
  2. Learn how to make your own lard and tallow
  3. Eat whole, naturally-produced milk products from pasture-fed cows, preferably raw and/or fermented, such as whole yogurt, cultured butter, whole cheeses and fresh and sour cream.
  4. Chew your foods into liquid
  5. Choose your fats and oils wisely –  include butter and other animal fats, extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil.
  6. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, preferably organic.
  7. If your foods can’t spoil, then you shouldn’t eat them.
  8. Use whole grains and nuts that have been prepared by soaking, sprouting or sour leavening to neutralize phytic acid and other anti-nutrients.
  9. Eat naturally-raised, antibiotic-free and organic meat, including fish, seafood, poultry, beef, lamb, game, organ meats and eggs.
  10. Prepare homemade meat stocks from the bones of chicken, beef, lamb or fish and use liberally in soups and sauces.
  11. Use filtered water for cooking and drinking.
  12. Make your own salad dressing using raw vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and expeller expressed flax oil (small amounts – 1/2 tsp per day).
  13. Use natural sweeteners in moderation, such as raw honey, maple syrup, dehydrated cane sugar juice and stevia powder.
  14. Use unrefined Celtic sea salt and a variety of herbs and spices for food interest and appetite stimulation.
  15. Include enzyme-enhanced lacto-fermented vegetables, fruits, beverages and condiments in your diet on a regular basis.
  16. Use only unpasteurized wine or beer in strict moderation with meals.
  17. Cook only in stainless steel, cast iron, glass or good quality enamel.
  18. If you are eating mostly cooked foods in a meal, then a lacto-fermented condiment is a must.
  19. When cooking a meal, always think ahead 1-3 meals to see if anything needs to be soaked, marinated or slow cooked.
  20. Understand how to maximize your enzyme intake.
  21. Make sure to clean your cutting boards well and use wood for meats and bacteria containing items.
  22. Do not overcook your foods. Understand that olive oil is not good at high heats and that garlic should not be cooked as high or as long as onions,. Learn the many techniques for preserving enzymes and nutrients.
  23. Start your day (breakfast) off with fresh foods, not boxed, processed or canned.
  24. Always skim foam off top of stocks, soups, legumes and stews – this is where many impurities rise to the top. Add your spices after skimming the foam off.
  25. Aim for a diet that is 50% raw or enzyme-enhanced. Raw foods include fruits, vegetables, meats, fats and milk products.
  26. Know how to peel, cut coarse and dice
  27. Freeze and preserve fresh herbs
  28. How to stir fry
  29. Learn the best way to make mashed potatoes
  30. Know how to choose and cook lamb
  31. Use a thermos for hot lunches…or this one
  32. Don’t drink more than 4 ounces with your meal, 15 minutes before or 45 minutes after.
  33. Use a toaster oven instead of a microwave.
  34. Eat in peace with gratitude – do not eat stressed or in a rush.
  35. Make sure your oils are not old and rancid.