How to Optimize your Inflammation with Food and Habits

Here is where food can truly become medicine. Inflammation builds up in us from our food, chemicals, etc. and turns into free radicals that terrorize each blood cell and makes them unable to fight disease, which leads to early signs of aging.

While we cannot completely eliminate inflammatory foods from our nutrition plans, we can definitely eliminate and limit some of the unhealthiest, as well as fight them with antioxidant-rich foods.

The best way to keep inflammation down and your blood healthy is to be in balance with the foods that cause inflammation.

Other big factors are:

  • Environmental toxins
  • Positive attitude
  • Anything else that affects your immune system


Eat/Do these Limit these


  • Processed foods
  • Deep fried foods
  • Allergy foods
  • Night shade vegetables
  • Wheat and gluten
  • Breads
  • Alcohol
  • Meats