1. Vegetable oils and hydrogenated oils/butters/margarine/etc.
- Most of these oils are toxic and terrible for your health
- The unsaturated fats in them are what is so dangerous.
- These fats bring us out of a crucial balance that tips towards disease.
2. Frequent restaurant eating.
- They typically use the cheapest veggie oils, non-organic, grain fed, antibiotic and hormone-laden meat. Not to mention processed salt and everything else based on saving money.
3. Hormone and antibiotic fed animal products
- Antibiotics in animals affects our resistance to antibiotics.
- Growth hormones are thought to disrupt our endocrine, reproductive and hormonal systems.
4. Processed soy products are bad, very bad and horrible for you.
5. Eating overcooked foods is related to cancer, deficiencies, toxicities and more.
Bonus Lists
- Stay away from the No-No List and Refined Carbohydrates